Carole A. Myatt

43 Mayflower Lane
Rochester, MA 02770


Each child comes to school with many talents. It is our job to recognize these
talents and to learn how we can begin to build a fulfilling educational experience
for each. We must join with the students in a partnership that values differences
and builds a community based on mutual respect and the constant quest for new


Masters of Education, Special Education
University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824
Graduated fall 1997 GPA 3.9

Bachelor of Arts, Behavioral Science
University of New Hampshire, Durham NH 03824
Graduated December 1990 GPA 3.89


IDEAL Consulting Services, Westport MA
September 2003- current
Collected DIBELS/CBM data in Fall River Elementary schools K-3
Assigned 16 elementary schools in New Bedford as Intervention Specialist
Attended weekly meetings with school based teams to discuss at risk students
Used DIBELS/CBM data to implement a variety of interventions
such as remedial reading groups, behavior support plans for individuals and classes,
on task analysis for specific students
At principals’ request attended meetings with parents to explain data or support plans
Assisted in specific classrooms to help teachers implement positive behavior
support plans
Used Early Interventions in Reading to assist with remedial reading groups
Worked with Silber Schools to assist with implementation of School Wide
Reading Improvement Model

Scenic Park Elementary, Anchorage Alaska
September 2000-June 2002
March 2003- June 2003
Special Educator Grades 2-6
Case manager for 17 students- 4 with significant disabilities
Set up scheduling for department
Member of early intervention team
Supervise four paraprofessionals
Coordinate remedial reading programs for struggling readers in two classrooms
Collaboration with teachers to coordinate in class modifications and accommodations
Initial testing, 3 year re-evaluations, writing IEP’s and data collection for caseload
Proctored state assessments at Grade 3 level
Trained in alternate assessment for state assessments
Trained in Reading Mastery- directly instructed 22 students from six different classes in
program daily during 2001-02 school year
Direct daily instruction in math for 11 students using a variety of instructional techniques
including manipulatives and SRA fraction curriculum
Worked closely with district specialist to set up program for student with extreme
emotional disturbance
Worked with parents and school to coordinate transition of two students with significant
disabilities to middle school

North Star Elementary School, Anchorage Alaska
January 2000-June 2000
Special Educator, Grades K, 1, 2, 6
Case manager for 23 students
Direct service to 17 students
Set up remedial reading program for students requiring intensive intervention
Wrote and implemented behavior plans for students with emotional disturbances
Testing, writing IEP’s and data collection for caseload
Member of the early intervention team
Chaperone an overnight field trip to Seward Sea Life Center with 6 graders
Worked closely with bilingual services to coordinate programming
Collaborate with teachers to coordinate in class modifications and accommodations

North Hampton School, North Hampton NH
September 1996- December 1999
Special Educator for grades 5-8
Case manager for 8 students in Grade 6- two with significant disabilities
Manage caseload of 8th grade students with another special educator
Coordinate with parents, students and high school staff top determine appropriate
Grade 9 course selection and academic supports
Writing IEP’s
Testing, class observations, and report writing for three year re-evaluations and new
Plan specific remedial reading program for several students
Teach a variety of novels to inclusive student groupings
Collaborate with 6th and 8th grade staff to coordinate modified in class programming
Member of grade level and special education teams
Chaperoned Grade 8 trip to Washington in spring of 1997 and 1998
Chaperoned Grade 6 week at Environmental Camp in fall of 1998
Work in after school homework club two afternoons per week
Supervise two paraprofessionals
Participant in Language Arts Committee for SAU 21

Stratham Memorial School, Stratham NH
September 1995- June 1996
One year family leave position, Special Educator Grade 4
Case manager for 18 students
Responsible for planning, testing, and writing annual IEP’s
Academic testing and classroom observations for three year re-evaluations
Coordinate team meetings and testing of new referrals
Planned remedial reading program for students
Integrated a student from a self contained out of state program into an inclusive
class with appropriate academic supports
Coordinated with five teachers and two paraprofessionals to provide almost all
academic support in regular classroom
Work with outside examiners and tutors to provide a coordinated reading program
Provide reading/writing support for three ESL students in their classes

Rollinsford Grade School, Rollinsford, NH
September 1994-April 1995 Grades 5/6 regular education intern
September 1994-April 1995 Resource Room Grades 1-6 Special Education intern


Full tuition scholarship awarded for the graduate program 1993-1994
Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Society 1990